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Department of Process Engineering and Technology of Polymer and Carbon Materials

Katarzyna Smolinska-Kempisty

k_smolinska.jpg room 104/111 (building H6)
phone: (71) 320-23-83

Scientific interests

  • Molecularly imprinted polymers
  • Plasma modification
  • Polymer membranes
  • Water separation processes
  • Smart polymers

Research projects

  • Molecularly imprinted sensory material for monitoring the concentration of micropollutants in the aquatic environment” Grant NCN, 2021/42/E/ST5/00019. 2022-2026, project menager
  • "Integrated management of geothermal water: recovery of energy and water "Geotherm"", Grant of the National Center for Research and Development, no.: POLTUR2/1/2017. 2017-2020, co-investigator
  • "Production and testing of physicochemical and mechanical properties of three-dimensional composite structures containing antimicrobial agents", NCN Grant No. UMO-2016/23/D/ST8/01267, 2017-2020, co-investigator
  • New Operational Sensing system, NOSY, Project ID: 653839, Funded under H2020-EU.3.7. 2015-2018, co-investigator
  • "The use of nanotechnology in modern materials" - NanoMat Grant POIG (POIG.01.01.02-02-002/08), task 3, "Functional polymeric materials" EIT+, 2010-2014, co-investigator


  1. E. Altiok, T.Z. Kaya, K. Smolińska-Kempisty, E. Güler, N. Kabay, B. Tomaszewska B., M. Bryjak, Salinity gradient energy conversion by custom-made interpolymer ion exchange membranes utilized in reverse electrodialysis system. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering. 2 (2023) 1-13.
  2. K. Smolińska-Kempisty, J. Wolska, M. Bryjak, Molecularly imprinting microfiltration membranes able to absorb diethyl phthalate from water. Membranes. 5 (2022) 1-19
  3. Siekierka, K. Smolińska-Kempisty, M. Bryjak, Charge-doped electrodes for power production using the salinity gradient in CapMix, Desalination 495 (2020) 114670
  4. Smolińska-Kempisty, A. Siekierka, M. Bryjak, Interpolymer ion exchange membranes for CapMix process, Desalination 482 (2020) 114384
  5. Smolińska-Kempisty, A. Guerrero, J. Czulak, S. A. Piletsky, Negative selection of MIPs to create high specificity ligands for glycated haemoglobin. Sensors and Actuators. B, Chemical. 301 (2019) 1
  6. Smolińska-Kempisty, J. Czulak, Introduction to nanoMIPS prepared by solid-phase approach as an alternative for antibodies in the pseudo-ELISA diagnostic assay. American Journal of Biomedical Science & Research 5 (2019) 5
  7. Smolinska-Kempisty, O.S. Ahmad, A. Guerreiro et al., New potentiometric sensor based on molecularly imprinted nanoparticles for cocaine detection, Biosensors & Bioelectronics, 96 (2017) 49
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