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Katedra Inżynierii Procesowej i Technologii Materiałów Polimerowych i Węglowych (K25)

Call for papers : Frontiers in Materials (IF=3,515).

Data: 14.11.2022

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The special issue "Green synthesis of carbon materials for energy storage”.

Our colleague, prof. Grażyna Gryglewicz serves as a guest co-editor of the special issue "Green synthesis of carbon materials for energy storage” in Frontiers in Materials (IF: 3.515). You are invited to submit original research papers and comprehensive reviews on the following topics:

  • Advanced carbon structures from biomass
  • Mild activating agents
  • Self-activation of biomass
  • Molten-salt assisted carbonization
  • Biomass-derived hard carbons as battery anodes
  • Sustainable carbon cathodes for Li-S batteries
  • Sustainable synthesis of carbons for supercapacitors
  • Hybrid capacitors based on renewable carbon sources

More information can be found here


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